
Online gallery of outstanding bathroom design ideas

Houzz, the designers essential website for all things awesome in interiors has an online gallery of bathroom design ideas. Check out what they have put together and be inspired!

Click on this: Bathroom Sinks: 21 ideabooks

Our products in a nutshell

NEW! Quality, amazing home products with a point of difference


SRI LANKAN PLANTATION VERANDAH CHAIRS ooze luxury, extravagance and colonial chic. These classic chairs are hand carved from teak and use hand made rattan. The craftsmanship is exquisite, the comfort unbeatable and the style it adds to a home or verandah is immeasurable. $990


MOTHER OF PEARL VESSEL BASINS would look equally amazing in a slick modern bathroom or a cosy ensuite. The brilliance of the light shimmering off the dazzling surface is unlike any other...

Toilet Roll Holders: the weird and the wonderful...

I like to see a bit of imagination. And being one looking for a new toilet roll holder recently, I was disappointed by how boring they all are. So, of course, I took to my favourite place for ideas, Pinterest, to see what others have done to jolly the place up a bit. Well some that i found were atrocious, some very funny and many downright bizarre. 

Check out my selection of the weird and wonderful:

Bizarre Toilet Roll Holders


How to light your bathroom

How many times have you looked in a bathroom mirror and the lighting made you look haggard and horrible? Or maybe it was too dark to see the razor cuts on your face or the blemish you meant to hide?

I found this excellent article from THIS OLD HOUSE magazine in the US with great tips for designing the lighting in your bathroom. Here is an edited version of the story:


A Lesson in Bathroom Lighting

Your bathroom's becoming a refuge, so why not light it adequately?


When it comes to interior...

Add a touch of Marrakech to you home

Exotic Moroccan Bathroom Basins: Hand Painted or Hammered Copper all $390


Bring the amazing colour and beauty of exotic Morocco to your home with Unique Sinks' stunning bathroom basins. These are no cookie-cutter designs, they are skillfully hand painted pieces of art.

And if that is too jazzy for you, check out the hammered finished copper sinks. They would look equally amazing in a cosy bathroom or as a defining feature in an ultra sleek bathroom.

About Us:

Unique Sinks carries unusual bathroom basins for the discerning customer. Unique Sinks will create a visual feature to any...